Jeff Richgels
Jeff Richgels

Richgels Wins in Senior Masters Debut


The regular shot at the Senior City Tournament may have been challenging enough, but for the caliber of bowlers who compete in the Senior Masters a more difficult lane condition is required. The 2012 USBC Open Condition pattern on the wood at Viking Lanes was particularly tough.  Only four bowlers were able to average 200, which was enough to fill the stepladder field.

Jeff Richgels led qualifying and dominated tournament runner-up and fellow Hall of Famer Jim Fosdick in the final stepladder match 206-163.  Spectators wondered early if either bowler could even crack 100, as there were no marks in the early going of the match.  The championship pair apparently held up the worst on a condition that was already very demanding.  Richgels, however, recovered first and followed his first two open frames with a four-bagger.  Fosdick made a game effort to stay on pace, but met with poor carry and was unable to muster a double or put any pressure in Richgels.  Richgels won $348, the championship eagle trophy, two passes to the MBA Hall of Fame dinner, and a seat at the annual Dinner with the Champions.  Fosdick won $210.

Preceding this match, Fosdick won handily over Conway Sunell, the fourth qualifier.  Fosdick threw a clean 225, with a key split conversion in the fifth frame – a frame Sunell opened.  Sunell threw another errant shot in the seventh frame for an open, and Fosdick cruised to victory.  Sunell won $170.00 for third place in his successful MBA tournament debut.

Sunell earned the match with Fosdick after defeating the third high qualifier Herb Kimpel in the opening match.  Kimpel struck in the first frame, but never was really lined up on the pair.  He did muster a double in the fifth and sixth frames, but Sunell was solid throughout the match, winning 203-160.  Kimpel won $145.

No bowler was without a sub-200 game in the tournament, and every entrant who made the four man stepladder finals was plus.

The scoring pace did not start out too low when the lanes were fresh. Hailing from Oregon (the state this time), MBA newcomer Conway Sunell led the pack with a 241 start. Jesse Parizo (233), John Hjortland (224), and Rick Erce (223) rounded out the top four. Nine bowlers shot 200 or better with the cut to cash at -6.

After two games, Dave Eaton led the field at 437, followed by Sunnell (433), Parizo (409) and Massey (409). Seven 200 games were thrown led by Larry Van Natta’s 242. The cut to cash fell to -10.

Jim Fosdick fired a tournament high score of 267 in game three to take the lead at 657. Jeff Richgels moved into the second spot at 646, following a 248 game. Erce (619) and Dave Massey (605) rounded out the top four. The cut to cash plunged to -26 as only four 200 games were thrown.

Fosdick (856), Richgels (853), and Erce (815) continued to hold the top spots after four games. Herb Kimpel moved into fourth at -1. The cut to cash was -38, though there were nine 200 games – the highest by Dave Shaw with 219.

After five, Richgels (1089) and Fosdick (1056) swapped the top two places on the strength of Richgel’s 236 effort. Kimpel (1022) moved up to third with a 223 and Dave Erickson fired the second high tournament game of 254 to take over the fourth position at 1016. Massey (1000), Sunell (991) and Erce (981) had reasonable shots to make the stepladder. The cut to cash was -40.

The top three, Richgels (1306), Fosdick (1237), and Kimpel (1230) held position and Sunell moved back into the fourth qualifying spot with a 211 game and 1202 total. Disastrous games for Erickson and Massey stymied their chance at a stepladder match, though both maintained cash positions. Ted Smith tossed the highest game (228) in the final round to catch a tie for the last cash position.

Prize List

1.Richgels, Jeff$348.00
2.Fosdick, Jim$210.00
3.Sunell, Conway$170.00
4.Kimpel, Herb$145.00
5.Erce, Rick$145.00
6.Eaton, Dave$95.00
7.Erickson, Dave$95.00
8.Massey, Dave$85.00
9.Hjortland, John$80.00
10.Smith, Ted$40.00
11.LaCoursiere, Scott$40.00

Stepladder Finals

Match 1: #4 Sunell def. #3 Kimpel 203 – 160
Match 2: #2 Fosdick def. #4 Sunell 225 – 171
Match 3: #1 Richgels def. #2 Fosdick 206 – 163


1.Richgels, Jeff1932052482072362171306
2.Fosdick, Jim2031872671992001811237
3.Kimpel, Herb2052001932012232081230
4.Sunell, Conway2411921602041942111202
5.Erce, Rick2231812151961662021183
6.Eaton, Dave2142231431911912101172
7.Erickson, Dave1852101791882541561172
8.Massey, Dave2161931961672281481148
9.Hjortland, John2241382001602471781147
10.Smith, Ted1692041571921962281146
11.LaCoursiere, Scott1871871862111761991146
12.Richardson, Bob1911781632122161831143
13.Van Natta, Larry1642421681731702111128
14.Truehl, Rollie1941881962121511821123
15.Parizo, Jesse2331761412101552071122
16.Rasmussen, Dave1771691781712002091104
17.Seppa, Dan1671621771961921791073
18.Shaw, Dave2091361532191801721069
19.Recknagel, Mark1761601582031572141068
20.Stauffacher, Greg1502151831931491591049
21.Ecker, Bob1911641611531781851032
22.Grossman, Dennis1831811791261801811030
23.Longfield, Brian1621871811791711491029
24.Brabender, Tom1851691751471422081026
25.Rice, Tim1411831601601881901022
26.Sirianni, Joe1911751561461931591020
27.Aaberg, Bill1751501711831691581006
28.Holzbauer, Bob143170138187179170987
29.Kreitzman, Bill150152161173177166979