Wisconsin, in particular, is rich in tournament competition opportunities. Bowlers of all averages and abilities enjoy competing against each other for a possible tournament win or maybe a little prize money.
You may not think of yourself as a “tournament bowler”, but you’d be wrong – and you may be missing out. Many events are handicapped and bowlers of all skill ranges – including yours – enjoy the thrill of competition.
The USBC runs a host of national tournaments from the Open and Women’s Championships, to Junior Gold, to the world’s most prestigious events, the Masters and Queens.
The Wisconsin State USBC Open Championships is the largest state tournament in the country. The Wisconsin State USBC (of which you are also a member) also runs Women’s, Youth, and Senior, and Women’s Senior Championship tournaments.
And the Madison Area USBC offers the Open Championships, Women’s Championships, and Senior Open Championships – all with 100% handicapped divisions. We also have a Masters, and Queens, as well as Youth Championships and an Adult / Youth Championship. Hundreds of our association members compete every year. Over 500 different local bowlers competed in the Madison Open Championships alone. We also doled out over $5,000 in scholarships to area youth tournament competitors.
All association tournaments, and many others, are certified by the USBC. You can count on certified tournaments for fairness and integrity because they follow USBC guidelines.
Your dues supports the associations that provide these opportunities for you and your fellow members.