Visiting Madison USBC BA Houses in the Southwest

On Monday, October 20th President Jerry Wilson and Vice-President George Dorn visited the five bowling houses that joined the Madison USBC BA last season.  A few interesting nuggets were gathered from each meet and greet visit, to be shared in this and upcoming articles.  Let’s start with Tower Junction, in Montfort, an eight lane house, across from the wind farm!

Many Madison Association bowlers know the 8-pin tournament conducted in Montfort each February and March where funds raised in the past have supported the local fire department.  Beginning in 2015 funds will be raised for a variety of deserving non-profits.  This is known as a fun tournament, having an annual theme, held in a bowling center known for serving great food, highlighted by in-house cut steaks, prime rib on weekends and home-made pizza.

Join the 400 teams that bowl in the 8-pin tap tournament, reserve your spot by calling Tower Junction after January 1st.  Call 608-943-6061.

Tower Junction welcomed “Blindside” star Quinton Aaron to bowl on their Monday Night League. Quinton is in the Montfort area shooting an independent film called “Halfway,” and when Tower Junction owners, Mike Welu and Shane Straka discovered Quinton is an avid bowler, they invited him to join the league as a sub on Shane’s team.