
This year the Association Championship tournament ball sponsor is Motiv.  All bowlers who earn a new ball will be able to pick them up at Rob Bailey’s Pro Shop in Sun Prairie.

Bowling balls will be given away on most shifts of the tournament.

One ball for every 30 teams entered will be given away in the “Captain’s Only” drawing, and all squad organizers of eight or more teams will automatically earn a new ball.

2014-15 Ball Winners

Squad Leaders

1. Terry Teasdale – 8 teams
2. Darin Johnson – 8 teams

Shift Winners

1. Ken Chavez, Justin Frosch

3. Joe Johnson, Rick Kalscheur

4. Phil Caruso, Andy Wright, Brian Wilk

5. Chris Gehrke, Carlos Ruef

7. Bob Ruhland, Darrell Kjorlie, Tim Morris

8. Tom Gleason

9. Dustin Nee, David Young, David Biser, Dave Teetzen, Roger Thorson, Bob Salzman, Brent Hemstead

10. Jim Nettum, Brian Longfield

11. Dan Walsh, Matt Townsend, Cliff Alt, Eric Breunig, Carl Booker, Peter Gaarder, Kevin Taylor

12. Gary Kasbaum, Dan Keppy, Don Dudley

13. Dan Carlson, Sue Hepler, Tom Schwartz, Ray Sunde

14. Lorenzo Brown, Cory Kaschub

15. Dave Massey, Matt Midlikowski

16. Donald Bronson, Todd Gille, Chad Knothe, Steve Vande Zande, Micky Ramsden

Captain’s Drawing

1. Greg Stauffacher

2. Greg Hafenstein

3. John Bisco