Street Rags won the Senior Masters league at Bowl-A-Vard on Tuesday night. The team of Ken Foster, Jesse Parizo, Jeff Barsness and Bill Aaberg won the league. Jesse, Barney and Bill bowled the Lake Ripley Lanes team of Dan Lockman, Dave Massey and Dave Rasmussen beating them 8.5 points to 6.5 points.

Jeff Barness, Jesse Parizo, Ken Foster and Bill Aaberg
We all had a great season. Thanks go out to Bowl-A-Vard and sec-treas Ken Foster for the 2013-2014 season.
The last night was also singles night.
High scores: Dale Chlebowski 737, Roger Dushack 737, Dave Rasmussen 722, Pat Dushack 717, Jesse Parizo 714, Steve VandeZande 711, Dave Shaw 691, Mark Recknagel 681, Conway Sunell 681, Bruce Hansen 672, Rick Nelson 669, Jim Sullivan 663, Richard Guth 662, Jeff Barness 659, Dennis Grossman 656, John Hjortland 656, Terry Walker 652, Earl Chandler 650, Bob Schiltz 647, Bill Aaberg 643, Dan Lockman 642, Jon Whitcomb 641 and Dave Laskowski 629.
See you next year folks!