Senior Open Extended One Weekend

The Madison Area USBC Senior Open is extending qualifying times one weekend, to run through November 21 and 22. Four squads are added for your individual team or minor events scheduling. The Complete Tournament Entry Form Form is updated with the new squad numbers.

Here is the Entry Form Only. Here is the Complete Tournament Entry Form. The latter has the squad times, dates, defending champions, rules, and all that.

Different operating systems behave differently. Typically, if you want to save a filled out form to print or send as an attachment, right click the page and choose Print > Save as PDF. If you ONLY save the form, it will only save the form – and not retain the information you typed in.

Pandemic Bowling

With the current business restrictions by the State of Wisconsin at 25% capacity and Public Health Madison Dane County (PHMDC) further restricting indoor gathering limits at 10 people, this traditional tournament will be conducted differently in order to meet any and all mandate guidelines.

Further, a number of Covid-19 rules will be in effect to minimize risk and protect the health and safety of competitors, Bowl-A-Vard staff, and tournament staff. We expect all competitors to abide by state, local, and tournament rules at all times. If you are unwilling or unable to comply with these rules, do not participate.

It’s not a “Tournament”!

While we cannot have a single tournament in a center (maximum indoor gathering rule), we can have any number of separate events as long as we don’t exceed the 25% capacity restriction. So, this year, you will be signing up for individual qualifying competitions in Team and Minors (doubles and singles). Dates and times for qualifying are Saturdays and Sundays at 10:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. from October 24 – November 15. You can qualify your Team or Minors on any of the squads. Qualifying scores will be tracked and standings presented online as customary.

Competition Changes

Entry Fee

The entry fee for each event is increased to $20.00 (from $18.00). Scratch Options and All Events remain $5.00. Enjoy the easier math! The event entry breakdown is – Prizes: $8.50, Lineage $9.00, Expense $2.50. We’re adding $0.75 to the prize fund, $0.75 to lineage, and $0.50 to expenses.

  • Teams will bowl on a single lane, one team per pair.
  • Minor events will bowl on a pair, cross lane, maintaining 6′ spacing at all times.
  • Handicapped Team and Doubles Divisions are based on 200 per bowler, changed from 205 per bowler. This will help even the number of competitors in each division. Singles remains age-based, and is handicapped to 230.
Covid-19 Rules & Adjustments

The following rules and changes will be implemented this year to maximize the health and safety of competitors, Bowl-A-Vard staff, and tournament staff. We expect all competitors to abide by state, local, and tournament rules at all times. If you are unwilling or unable to comply with these rules, do not participate.

The short take is – wear masks, social distance, and minimize movement and contact. Tournament staff will be on hand to help remind everyone of the rules. Refusal to comply with state, county, or tournament rules will result in disqualification.

Please be respectful of staff, fellow competitors, and the host center. The host center is bound to comply with state and county mandates. This is not a political event. Your threshold of risk may be different than others. Nonetheless, the rules are not subject to interpretation or open to debate. Our goal is to maximize health and safety of all persons involved in the event, and to ensure we stay within the guidelines set on the host center by the state and county.
Again – if you are unwilling or unable to comply with these rules, do not participate.

  • Masks are required at all times when not actively eating or drinking. This includes while bowling.
  • No spectators. Scheduled competitors and competition staff ONLY in each assigned qualifying area.
  • Maintain 6 feet of spacing between competitors at all times, including the approaches and ball returns.
  • Traffic Flow – Minimize Standing
    • Entry into the competition area is restricted to the Front Doors, South Doors (Lane 40), or Arena Sports Bar.
    • Competition staff will admit and direct you to the competition area after lane sanitizing is complete.
    • Exit from the competition area ONLY through the North Doors (Lane 1).
    • All bowlers should proceed directly to their assigned lanes.
      • Team Captains will be notified of their assigned lanes prior to the competition.
    • Standings will not be posted on-site. All standings will be available online.
  • Contact-free entry fee collection.
    • An envelope will be provided on your lanes and a drop box will be at the tournament staff table.
  • Contact-free ball raffle.
    • Prepared ticket bags will be available for purchase at the tournament staff table.
    • This year Bob Holzbauer of Phoenix Pro Shop is offering the Storm Phase III.
  • Tournament leader photographs will be taken individually.
  • There will not be score markers.
    • Scoring will be taken from the control counter.
    • Blank recap sheets will be available for your personal use.