Senior City Tournament Week 1 Standings

The first weekend of the Senior City tournament is in the books and the unofficial standings are posted, click here.

Three honor counts were rolled, including a pair of 300 games, one each by Dale Chlebowski and Don Leighton. Randy Johnson posted an 11-in-a-row 297 game, as well.

High series honors so far goes to Hall of Famer Dave Erickson, with a 780 series in Singles.

The featured image of the tournament is WSBA and MBA Hall of Famer Marc McDowell showing off his 5-7-10 split. ‘Mac’ overcame this frame (nearly picking it up) to post the leading scratch all events score of 2189.

To Marc’s right is fellow MBA Hall member Jerry Murphy, shooting at one of 20 or so 10 pins he left over his nine game block. To Marc’s left is the greek church, a split combination one should never, ever, ever bowl next to. Ever.

Tournament action resumes this weekend with the final four squads looking to knock off the current division leaders.