Lake City 5 man hdcp league at Bowl-A-Vard Wednesday night started the 3rd and last round of the 2013-2014 season There were some interesting results as Rick Festge had the league high of 748. Dave Shaw had back to back 700 on the nose on consecutive nights both Tuesday and Wednesday nights at BAV. Kurt Zuege had 8 in a row in the last game for Cosgrove Construction to help his team win the last game. Mike Thaden and Butch Kluth both rolled identical 672’s. Mike was+108 pins and Butch +93 pins over their league averages.
High individual scores:
Rick Festge 748 (258-203-268), Dave Shaw 700 (236-227-237), Carey Emerson 685, Ricky Thaden 676, Mike Thaden 672, Butch Kluth 672, Broc Bussan 650, Matt Wynhoff 648, Ricky Knuteson 647, Don Bussan 643, Scott Starks 635, Jeff Mautz 632, Jon Whitcomb 630, Ian Martin 629, Mike Dailey 625, Lane Gander 624, Kurt Zuege 620, Terry Bohn 620, Ken Tiedt 617, Jeff Hendricks 615, Brian Wratney 611 and Mike Helsell 607.