Collin Krachey
Collin Krachey led all Madison Area USBC youth bowlers in average this season, posting a 225 in the Prairie Lanes Thursday Storm Major League, and a 195 in the Saturday Storm Challenge League. He had several series of 700 with a high of 773 and a 300 game.
Krachey placed 3rd in Class A Team and Doubles events, had the highest game, 288, and highest series, 750, at the Madison Area USBC Youth Championships.
In High School District 4 competition, Krachey led the district in strike percentage, over 65% and tied with Tyler Haugen for first in fill percentage with a 91.47 fill rate. He finished 8th out of 100 in the High School State Singles finals.
Krachey made the cut in all 6 of the Badgerland Youth Bowlers Tour events, winning the Masters Event at Village Lanes.
Erica Lohr
Erica Lohr led all Madison Area USBC youth bowlers in average this season, posting a 206 in the Prairie Lanes Thursday Storm Major League, and a 187 in the Saturday Storm Challenge League. She had two series of 700 with a high of 790 in the Saturday Storm Challenge League that included a 289 game. She also had a 300 game this season.
Lohr placed 1st in Class A Team, 2nd in Doubles, had the 5th highest series 616 at the Madison Area USBC Youth Championships.
In High School District 4 competition, she led the district in fill percentage, with an 88.53 fill rate. Her strike percentage was over 50%. Lohr’s Sun Prairie High School team finished first in Division 1 and she took a fourth place in State High School Singles out of 61 bowlers.
Lohr made the cut in 5 of the Badgerland Youth Bowlers Tour events, with four top 5 finishes and a win at Prairie Lanes.