Porter led all Madison Area USBC girls in average at 199, and also led High School Division 4 girls with a 87.95 fill percentage.
She was top three in all five Badgerland Youth Bowlers Tour events, with a win at Bowl-A-Vard Lanes.
In the Madison Area Youth championships, she rolled the 2nd and 3rd highest girls series’; a 658 in Doubles and a 638 in the team event, leading her Lake Ripley Lanes 2 team to a 3rd place finish in Class A.
She won the State High School Girls Singles championship. After making the first cut with a 563 set (9th), she rolled the second highest set of 1163 to earn the 2nd seed in the bracket finals. There, she dominated the bracket finals with a semi-final match win of 256-163 and a 246-191 title match victory.