The Madison Area USBC would like to congratulate Dave Erickson and Bob Ruhland on their 50 and 55 year anniversaries of bowling in the USBC Open Championships.

Bob Ruhland was inducted into the Madison Area Hall of Fame in 1993 and served for many years as a director for the association. He celebrated 55 consecutive years at the USBC Open Championships! Bob made his tournament debut at the 1969 tournament in Madison, Wisconsin, and he’s knocked over 88,427 pins through his first 54 years for a career average of 181.9.

2011 Madison Area Hall of Famer Dave Erickson celebrated 50 years at the USBC Open Championships! Dave made his tournament debut at the 1974 tournament in Indianapolis, Indiana, and he’s knocked over 85,122 pins through his 50 years for a career average of 189.1.