The officers and directors of the Madison USBC Bowling Association are pleased to announce the 44th Annual Madison Bowling Association Hall of Fame Induction and Bowler Recognition Dinner. The event will be Thursday, August 13, 2015 at Turner Hall in Madison. More details are available on the general invitation, which may be downloaded via the link above. Invitations to Hall Members, Association Officials, award winners, Legion of Honor inductees, tournament sponsors, and proprietors are being mailed.
This year, Tom Smyth will be inducted for Distinguished Performance, Don Bussan for Meritorious Service, Mike Kelly in Veterans, and Don Leighton in Veterans.
Inductees into the 2015 MBA Legion of Honor will be the late MBA Past President Z. Charles “Charlie” Reithmeyer, pictured above in red jacket, and the late William D. “Frosty” Frost.
The Legion of Honor was established in 1988 to honor both the memory and the records of deceased MBA members whose commendable service and/or bowling achievements may have been dimmed by the passage of time or by the performances of more contemporary bowlers. The Madison USBC Bowling Association accords its recognition of these meritorious individuals by naming them to deserved membership it its Legion of Honor.
This year’s class is a fine representation of two such men.
Charlie was a member of the MBA for 53 years and his service to the MBA spanned the past 13 years, nine as an officer. He was elected to the MBA Board of Directors in the 2001-02 season, and in 2005-06 was elected vice-president. After that three year term, he was elected MBA President. He served two terms, concluding his service to the association at the end of this past season. Charlie’s son, MBA Director Tim Reithmeyer, will speak.

From his obituary, “Frosty was gentle, kind and had a warm smile and wonderful sense of humor. He was always positive and found the silver lining in everything he did.” This demeanor played well in his long time association with bowling and bowlers. Frosty was one of two people to have attended every one of the first 43 MBA Hall of Fame dinners. MBA Hall of Famer Mark Henry will speak on behalf of the many friends and family of Bill.
We will also recognize and honor association members for outstanding individual achievements during the past regular season.
General admission tickets are $40.00. Children’s meals are $20.00. Please return this reservation form to the MBA office no later than Thursday, August 6, 2015, so that we can properly plan for the event.