Bill Pounders’ bowling career began in youth leagues at Northgate Lanes in 1967. A top youth bowler, he won three junior singles titles before graduating to adult leagues. He has maintained his ties to youth bowling as a coach since 1975. As an adult bowler, he won an association Singles title in the 1986-87 season.
That bowling thrives, though, is not only because of high scoring, high average, tournament champions.
This Hall of Fame honors the catalyst behind successful bowling operations for over 40 years. His career started as a pinchaser and then mechanic at Northgate lanes in the early 70’s. He rose to manager at Northgate before moving to manage the old, and then the new, Bowl-A-Vard Lanes. He ultimately became the proprietor of Ten Pin Alley.
Bowling is enjoyed by children at birthday parties, adults at company outings, and association members in leagues and tournaments. The every day, every hour effort put forth by Bill Pounders to ensure that all bowlers love their bowling experience is the hallmark of his extraordinary service career.
Born: March 14, 1956
Inducted: August 17, 2017