Final 2013-14 Senior City Plaque Presented

Don’t say MBA director Bob Ruhland won’t go to any lengths to present an award to a Madison Bowling Association member.  Because Bob has, and will, go to any length.

Today, Bob is in Nashville, Tenneseee, presenting 2013-14 Senior City Tournament Singles Division 2 Champion Bob Rough with his tournament championship plaque.

Each year, all MBA tournament division champions and scratch titlists are invited for a complimentary dinner at Prime Quarter where steaks area eaten, plaques are awarded, and stories are shared.  The dinner is held in October of the following season, but Bob Rough had moved to the Nashville area prior to the dinner.  He sent an email to the MBA requesting his tournament plaque be shipped to him.

Enter Bob Ruhland.

Admittedly, Bob is a fan of left-turning fast cars and Elvis – so a trip to Tennessee may or may not have already been in his plans. Nonetheless, the effort to connect with Mr. Rough and present the award is above and beyond the call of duty. Note the official MBA director shirt on Bob Ruhland – what, no red jacket and bowling tie?

Congratulations again to Bob Rough on his Senior Association Championship, and kudos to Bob Ruhland for taking the time to make the personal presentation.

For future presentations out of our jurisdiction, eligible cities may include Daytona, Bristol, Charlotte, Indianapolis, and Las Vegas, among others…