Don Grossen Rolls 298 Tues. Morning at Bowl-A-Vard

Don Grossen rolled a nice 298 out of the gate on Tuesday morning at Bowl-A-Vard.  Don used a Radical Yeti Untamed with a Motion hole layout.  Don’s set was 684.

Rollie Truehl was the only other bowler over six.  Rollie had a 610.

Seniors 50 and up come on over to Bowl-A-Vard to try U Play U Pay MARBA on Tuesday morning 9 AM as Madison Bowling Assn. is having our Sr. City tourney here  on November 8, 9, 15, 16.  The Sr. City Tourney lane condition will be the normal league lane condition.  Come on over and see U Play U Pay’s Phil Leighton and get acquainted.

By Scott Starks U Play U PayLeague Reporter