City Tournament Extended

The 2015-16 MBA Championship Tournament currently has over 70 teams entered, roughly the same pace of entries as last season when we had a total of 109 teams.

With the WSBA State Tournament in town this year, our City Tournament is being held in the fall – having started November 21 and originally scheduled to conclude on December 13. Only a dozen teams and 11 sets of minors signed up to bowl opening weekend (and opening deer hunting) and the second weekend (also Thanksgiving weekend).

Thus, entries in the city tournament have been very focused on the first two weekends of December. So much so that, as of the exact second this is being written, squad 13 is full and squads 8, 10, and 14 are very near so.

In order to provide more options for future entries, we will add three additional squads, with limited lanes, on the weekend of December 19-20. Big thanks to Bill Pounders and Ten Pin Alley for allowing us extra space.

New Squads:

Squad 15 : December 19, 2015, 11:30 a.m.
Squad 16 : December 19, 2015, 3:00 p.m.
Squad 17 : December 20, 2015, 1:30 p.m.

If you are considering entering the tournament, we hope that the new squads will add the flexibility that you (and we) need to accommodate you. Remaining spots are filling, so make sure to include additional squad choices on your entry form. Reservations for spots are first-come, first-served to entries with the required deposits.

Thanks for entering and making this a great and growing tournament!