Highlight of Wednesday nights league session was Brently Bohn’s 11 in a row 290. Brently had the back 11 in the last game.
Dave Shaw rolls a 748 tallying 268-266 the first two games with a Motiv Cruel Intent here which is one of the balls being offered to league squad organizers and raffle winners by the MBA and Rob Bailey’s Pro Shop in the MBA City Tourney. upcoming in Jan. Being that Lake City is a 5-man league we see more transition than the fewer bowler format leagues even on a larger ratio house pattern which hampered Dave’s last game and the use of a Storm Tropical which effected Dave’s carry.
MBA City Tourney is coming in Jan. and Lake City has our whole league bowling. 10 teams on a Team Challenge squad Sat. Jan 11th! Nice going guys! How about other MBA leagues stepping up to the plate?
Lake City league bowlers we are having a retro night on Wed. Dec. 18th. Wear your old bowling shirt that night for a retro look. Too young to have an old one? Check your grand dad and dad’s closets or see Phil “Whiz Kid” Leighton next week. We will be taking a league pic for the MBA site of everyone that has an older shirt on that night. Good idea Terry Teasdale! Any other ideas for our league please see Scott Starks or Terry during next league session.
League high scores 12-04-13.
Individuals: Dave “Just Fillin’ In” Shaw 748, Ricky Knuteson 728, Dakota Wiltrout 720, Carey Emerson 688, Matt Wynoff 678, Jason Williams 672, Terry Bohn 659, Eric Pederson 658, Jerry Erickson 650, Tony Thaden 637, Ken Tiedt 629, Dennis Grossman 627, Jon Whitcomb 626 and Rick Festge 625.