
As a USBC member, you have access to BenefitHub, a members benefit site that aggregates discounts from a wide variety of local and national merchants. Just using a few of these deals over the course of a year easily offsets the cost of your USBC membership.

You can search Local Deals, Restaurants, by Brand, or by category.

Categories range from Apparel & Accessories to Electronics to Food to Travel.

If you are traveling, you can also search by zip code for deals near you. also has a cash back program associated with many of the deals. For each cash back offer, the percentage you earn varies from 1% – 10% for every dollar spent. I see 2% offered on most purchases.

While I probably won’t drop $1,700 on a Samsung curved 65″ TV (and by extension the wealth management offers), there are offers that I can use for Staples and Target. It looks like a number of the restaurants are affiliated with, where you can buy $10.00 certificates for $4.00, or $25.00 certificates for $10.00. The certificates often require a minimum purchase (e.g. $20.00 for the $10.00 certificate). I’ve used these before in various places and it worked quite well.

To sign up, simply follow the link to BenefitHub and create your account.