Twoie Gallagher 707 in U Play U Pay

Twoie Gallagher had the first 8 in the last game of U Play U Pay for a nice 707 series Tuesday morning at Bowl-a-Vard.  Joe Sirianni had the league high with 729.

Many thanks to Bowl-A-Vard for a nice spaghetti lunch and the holiday drink!  Thanks again Don!

High individual scores for the U Play U Pay league on Tues. 12/23/14:
Joe Sirianni 729, Twoie Gallagher 707, Bruce Davis 707, Jerry Stominski 682, Dave Shaw 678,  Jim Stark 657, Scott Starks 640, Jack Mortenson 628, Bob Barker 623, Gene Stark 618, Dick Paulson 618 ,Don Grossen 612,  Phil Leighton 607 and Austin Delap 604.