Challenge Coins Arrive At Last

There were a few design obstacles, and a bad batch of coins out of the first production, but the MBA Challenge Coins have finally arrived. Expect to see the first awards heading out to bowlers in the next couple of weeks. There is a number of applications to process and everything is all set up, so it should go pretty quickly.

The MBA Challenge Coin Recognition Program is brand new for the 2014-15 season. The goal is to recognize milestones and significant achievements through a bowler’s career with a collectible memento to commemorate their accomplishments.

Challenge Coin Flyer
Challenge Coin Award Application
MBA Challenge Coin Recognition Program Details
Challenge Coin Checklist

This program replaces the now defunct USBC Achievement Award program (patches/magnets/pins/key chains), and is entirely funded by the Madison Bowling Association.

There are ten categories of awards and recognitions that may be earned. Each category has its own coin finish. Pictured is the “Antique Gold” finish for City Titlists, one of the nicer coins. The back is blank if you would like to have yours engraved. Out of the office they will come with a removable clear label denoting the details of the achievement. Unfortunately, engraving as we go is too cost prohibitive.

  1. *Game Awards – 150 ,175, 200, 225, 250, 275.
  2. *Series Awards – 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 700.
  3. *Honor Scores – 11 in a row, 300, 800, 900
  4. *Novelty Awards – 30 Clean, 7-10, All Spare, Big Four, Dutch 200, Triplicate
  5. City Title – Masters, High scratch in City Tournament Events
  6. City Championship – Division champions
  7. Senior Title – Senior Masters, High scratch in Senior Tournament Events
  8. Senior Championship – Division champions
  9. *Service – League Officers, MBA Officers and Directors
  10. Recognition – *Hall of Fame, Bowler/Senior Bowler of the Year, All City/Senior City, High Series/Average/Composite, Association Most Improved.

*Once in a Lifetime Awards

Generally, bowlers should be concerned about Game, Series, Honor, and Novelty awards. The others will be managed by the MBA.

Game and Series awards are issued for average based achievements OR first time (ever) accomplishments. Average based achievements require a 21 game current season average. First time accomplishments may be earned any time. Each award is issued once per lifetime. Earn it, move on to the next!

Honor and Novelty awards are issued right away, even if you’ve had one before. An award application should be submitted for all 300’s and 800’s. 11-in-a-row is no longer recognized by the USBC, so use the MBA award application to apply for those coins. Again, each award is issued once per lifetime. Earn it, move on. One note about Honor Scores is that additional coins may be earned by shooting an honor score in a different venue, such as a Sport condition, City Tournament, or Senior State.  Refer to the Challenge Coin Checklist for all the possibilities.

The program will require more input from bowlers than ever before. Only a few of these awards can be tracked by league secretary computer programs, so bowlers will need to inform league officers of their accomplishments. This is actually by design. It is much more exciting to know that you have achieved something when you actually achieve it!

So there it is, fresh out of the box. There is some flexibility with this as well. Awards and recognitions can be adjusted, added, or removed as needed. For those looking to fill out a collection, we will offer them for sale as well.

We hope you enjoy the Challenge Coin program, and look forward to your feedback.