Visiting Madison USBC BA Houses in the Southwest

Recently President Jerry Wilson and Vice-President George Dorn visited the five bowling houses that joined the Madison USBC BA last season.  A few interesting nuggets were gathered from each meet and greet visit, to be shared in this and upcoming articles.

Industrial Bowl, 316 S. Peterson Street in Spring Green is an eight lane house located in the local industrial area. it is well worth the visit.

Industrial Bowl, I’m told, was the first synthetic lane house in Wisconsin, installed in 1979.  The lanes have had one or two replacements over the years.  They host Vegas Night Bowling every eight weeks, including red pin awards.  It sounds like a fun time!  Look for Industrial Bowl on Facebook for details.

Owner Jim Wipperfurth holds a 3-man Baker Style Tournament each Spring, look into signing up!

If you haven’t been to Industrial Bowl lately you should come on out.  Saturdays and Sundays have open bowling.