20th Annual League Officer Sweeper

The Madison Bowling Association and Madison Women’s Bowling Association will conduct the 20th annual Madison USBC League Officers Sweeper at Spring Green Lanes this year.

The tournament will be held on October 23, 2016. There is only one shift at 12:30 p.m. Entry fee is $17.00. Come and bowl for fun and prize money, meet other league officers, Madison USBC officers, directors, association managers, and past MBA and MWBA Presidents. Bring your league questions – association representatives will be available to assist you. Complimentary snacks will be available.

2016 League Officer Sweeper Entry Form

  1. This is a USBC certified tournament.
  2. This event is open to currently certified league officers of the Madison USBC BA, Madison USBC WBA, Madison USBC officers, directors, association managers, and past MBA and MWBA presidents.
  3. Handicap will be 100% of 220.
  4. Use your highest 2015-16 book average. If none, use your highest current average as of October 23, 2016.
  5. Bowlers without an average as stated must bowl scratch.
  6. Entries close October 23, 2016, 30 minutes prior to the shift.
  7. Prize money returned 100%.
  8. Prize ratio is 1:5.
  9. Check in 30 minutes prior to squad time.