2020-21 Open Championship

The Madison Area USBC will run individual Team and Doubles & Singles qualifying sessions for the Open Championships this season, hosted by Village Lanes. Dates will be available from March 5 through April 3.

Entry Forms & Lane Availability

Aside from the Pandemic Rules, there are some changes for you to be aware of.

  • Entry Fees per event are now $25.00 per event. Lineage to the host center and the prize fee have been increased. Expenses are unchanged. All Events and Scratch All Events are also unchanged at $5.00 each. This is the first fee increase since 2007.
  • There are a few Friday night squads available!
  • While technically unchanged, entries MUST be received by Wednesday prior to the requested weekend. Due to the pandemic, minimal staffing and contact, and/or Friday night squads – we will need the time to prepare for the tournament.
  • Online entry is now available! You can opt to pay the entry ahead of time with your PayPal account, credit, or debit card, OR choose to pay onsite.

Pandemic Bowling

Your qualifying events will be run under the same “Pandemic Rules” as the Senior Open this past fall. With the current restrictions by the State of Wisconsin and Public Health Madison Dane County (PHMDC) further restricting indoor gathering limits, this traditional tournament will be conducted differently in order to meet any and all mandate guidelines. The “Pandemic Rules” will not be altered over the course of the event and will be in effect to minimize risk and protect the health and safety of competitors, Village Lanes staff, and tournament staff.

If you are unwilling or unable to comply with these rules, do not participate.

It’s not a “Tournament”!

While we cannot have a single tournament in a center (maximum indoor gathering rule), we can have any number of separate events as long as we don’t exceed capacity restriction. So, this year, you will be signing up for individual qualifying competitions in Team and Minors (doubles and singles). Dates and times for qualifying are Fridays 6:00 p.m. and weekend days at 10:00 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. from March 5 – April 4. You can qualify your Team or Minors on any of the squads. Qualifying scores will be tracked and standings presented online as customary.

Competition Changes

Entry Fee

The entry fee for each event is increased to $25.00 (from $20.00). Scratch and Handicapped All Events remain $5.00. The event entry breakdown is – Prizes: $13.00, Lineage $9.00, Expense $3.00. We’re adding $4.25/event to the prize fund and $0.75/game to lineage.

  • Teams will bowl on a single lane, one team per pair.
  • Minor events will bowl on a pair, cross lane, maintaining 6′ spacing at all times.
Covid-19 Rules & Adjustments

The following rules and changes will be implemented this year to maximize the health and safety of competitors, Village Lanes staff, and tournament staff. We expect all competitors to abide by state, local, and tournament rules at all times. If you are unwilling or unable to comply with these rules, do not participate.

The short take is – wear masks, social distance, and minimize movement and contact. Tournament staff will be on hand to help remind everyone of the rules. Refusal to comply with state, county, or tournament rules will result in disqualification.

Please be respectful of staff, fellow competitors, and the host center. The host center is bound to comply with state and county mandates. This is not a political event. Your threshold of risk may be different than others. Nonetheless, the rules are not subject to interpretation or open to debate. Our goal is to maximize health and safety of all persons involved in the event, and to ensure we stay within the guidelines set on the host center by the state and county.
Again – if you are unwilling or unable to comply with these rules, do not participate.

  • Masks are required at all times when not actively eating or drinking. This includes while bowling.
  • Spectators. Due to occupancy restrictions, spectators may be limited in the tournament area.
  • Maintain 6 feet of spacing between competitors at all times, including the approaches and ball returns.
  • Traffic Flow – Minimize Standing
    • Entry into the competition area is restricted to the South Doors (Lane 1).
    • Competition staff will admit and direct you to the competition area after lane sanitizing is complete.
    • Exit from the competition area ONLY through the North Doors (Lane 24).
    • All bowlers should proceed directly to their assigned lanes.
      • Team Captains will be notified of their assigned lanes prior to the competition.
    • Standings will not be posted on-site. All standings will be available online.
  • Contact-free entry fee collection.
    • An envelope will be provided on your lanes and a drop box will be at the tournament staff table if there are fees due.
  • Contact-free ball raffle.
    • Prepared ticket bundles will be available for purchase.
    • This year Rob Bailey’s Pro Shop is our major sponsor and will offer a Motiv bowling ball for the raffles.
  • There will not be score markers.
    • Scoring will be taken from the control counter.
    • Blank recap sheets will be available for your personal use.
    • Please contact the control counter for scoring corrections, ball calls, or lane problems.