2016 Senior City Tournament

The 2016-17 MBA Senior Championships will be held at Waun-A-Bowl, in Waunakee.

Tournament sponsors this year include Major Sponsors Capital City Coins & Jewelry and Phoenix Pro Shop. Additional sponsors include Bowl-A-Vard Lanes, and Pizza Pit.

The tournament runs weekends October 29 – November 12.  Squads are 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., with one additional 5:00 p.m. squad on Saturday, November 5.

Download: 2016-17 Senior City Entry Form
Visit: Senior City Tournament Archives

There are five divisions for the All Events and Singles events, all handicapped 100% to 230:

  • Division 1: Ages 50-54
  • Division 2: Ages 55-59
  • Division 3: Ages 60-64
  • Division 4: Ages 65-69
  • Division 5: Ages 70+

There are two handicapped Team divisions and two handicapped Doubles divisions.

  • Team Division One for averages of 820 and higher is handicapped 100% to 920.
  • Team Division Two for averages of 819 and lower, is handicapped 100% to 820.
  • Doubles Division One for averages of 410 and higher is handicapped 100% to 230.
  • Doubles Division Two for averages of 409 and lower is handicapped 100% to 410.

Entry fee is $17.00 per bowler, per event. Optional All Events is $5.00.

Scratch options will be available for Singles, Doubles, Team and All Events. Entry is $5.00 per event.