2012-13 Senior City Tournament

Download: 2012-2013 Senior City Tournament Entry

The 2012 Senior City Tournament will be held this year at Viking Lanes in Stoughton on weekends November 3, 4 and 11, 12. There will be two shifts each day at 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Each shift is open for Team or Minor Events. Fresh oil will be applied for each squad.

This tournament is open to all MBA members ages 50 and older as of November 3.

There are five divisions of competition in Singles and All Events:

  • Division 1 – Bowlers ages 50-54
  • Division 2 – Bowlers ages 55-59
  • Division 3 – Bowlers ages 60-64
  • Division 4 – Bowlers ages 65-69
  • Division 5 – Bowlers ages 70+

The cost for each event remains the same at $17.00. Optional all events is available for $5.00. Optional scratch events are also available for $5.00 each.

All division tournament champions and scratch titlists earn an invitation to the annual Dinner with the Champions, held in October of each year to kick off the new tournament season.

New This Year: Entering Averages

This year, all bowlers will use their 2011-12 COMPOSITE average to determine handicap. This average will be entered and verified by the tournament director. The averages will appear on the tournament confirmation received by the team captain.

You can find YOUR composite average on Bowl.com, by using the “Find a Member” feature on the home page. A composite average is the “average of your averages”. determined by dividing the total pinfall from ALL leagues by the total number of games you bowled. The average includes all standard (non-Sport) USBC averages from any league – and includes data from leagues with less than 21 games. For those who only participated in one league, that will serve as your composite average. If you subbed in other leagues, but had less than 21 games in those leagues, those scores will be factored in and could raise or lower your average.

The composite average method is a fairer way of determining a bowler’s ability. Bowlers are no longer penalized for participating in a league where their average may be falsely inflated due to very easy lane conditions. Additionally, bowlers can no longer “hide” higher averages by quitting a league prior to establishing a 21 game average.

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